Lose 5 - 10 kg, save on your grocery bill and get your children eating more vegetables!

Sounds too good to be true right? Well this is our mission at the nourished nest. All too often we are hearing how families are struggling with the grocery bill. Add that to what can feel like the daily battle of trying to get children to eat their vegetables at dinner time, is it any wonder we are hiding in the pantry sneaking a chocolate bar just to get through the evening routine?

The nourished nest is the most cost effective way to start incorporating a naturopathic lifestyle so that you can let go of the guilt, worry and stress of whether you are doing a good enough job of feeding and caring for your family.

Get delicious monthly recipes that the kids can’t say no to. Grab our nutrient dense recipes and disguise your vegetables with delicious flavours so that you’re not having to argue for each bite of broccoli and cauliflower at meal time.

  • Receive a materia medica library of how to use herbs and vegetables to treat ailments and support glowing health from the gut to the skin. Create your own balms and lotions with the guidance of our experienced aromatherapist.

  • Receive a netflix style naturopathic principles library to watch at your leisure so that you can gain the confidence of how and why to work with plants and food as medicine.

Once a week, receive a live breath work training in buteyko breathing for a natural exercise to improve asthma and allergy symptoms as well as lung capacity and strength, improve posture and fitness and nervous system awareness and regulation techniques.

  • Get a 10% discount on RRP of nutraceuticals and supplements.

  • Get access to 1:1 consultations for practitioner only supplements and herbal tinctures to give the health boost you need.

  • Join our nourished nest community and get support and accountability from other busy parents wanting to incorporate a more holistic lifestyle.

Think of the nourished nest as your local health food store but online with a community of like minded parents looking to improve their families health and wellbeing AS WELL AS providing monthly inspiration for recipes and support in developing our littlies nervous system regulation (as well as our own to boot). It seems like a pretty straight forward solution to confidently provide supportive wellness strategies for the whole family, right?

Some days can leave you feeling like you’re not good enough, you can’t do this, you don’t have the skills to handle these problems, frustrated by the lack of support from your doctor. And that is totally valid. You weren’t taught this at school and the public and private health system is getting smashed by the lack of public education in preventative health. How would you feel knowing that you had all the skills you need to support your families health and wellness and only needed to go to the doctors for check ups and emergencies? How would you feel knowing that you are providing the best resources and nutrition for your family without having to restrict treats and birthday cake?

Maybe your thinking that this will be too much. Its not going to be achievable for you and what you can do with your time now. “I’m too busy to make these changes”. “I’ve tried before but it was too hard”. And if that is you I’m right there with you! Running a business and providing care for the family and feeding nutritionally dense food can feel hard and time and energy consuming. That is why our recipes have ratings on them for how much energy they take so that you can pick and choose which recipes to fit into you life at the moment so that you can start planning ahead and create a rhythm and structure that offers your time, energy and space back. Our bonus diaries and habit trackers will have you developing awareness for foods that drain your energy and foods that boost your energy and will help you track your natural flow of productivity for when you can do meal prep with ease and light inspiration.

We get it. There are so many authorities and influencers to follow and listen to. You don’t need another one just telling you what to do. That is why our program is developed so that you can take the information and strategies that are relevant to your and your family and leave the rest. Not all diet and lifestyle advice suits all people. Our goal is to develop your confidence and understanding in how to pick your nutritional support, cut through the noise and make considered choices that make sense for you, your family and your life.

Have you ever wondered how you can help your family?

  • Manage rashes, excema and dermatitis without having to always go for the steroid cream?

  • Focus and concentrate on their learning and school work?

  • Develop a good sleep routine so that they are well rested and rejuvenated for their study and work?

  • Boost their immunity so that they are sick less frequently and bounce back to full health quickly?

  • Create a safe environment to try new foods without having to argue and bribe them?

  • Improve their gut health, keep their bowels moving regularly and avoid constipation and tummy aches?

  • Manage their big emotions and support their overall nervous system regulation and emotional agility for a stronger more connected family network?

This is just some of the skills you will develop as a member in of our nourished nest.

Hi my name is Katie and the nourished nest is a passion project for me that I have been developing over the last 15 years helping clients, friends and family build their emotional resilience and incorporate healthy diet and lifestyle habits into our busy and challenging lives. It hasn’t been all smooth sailing for me. I didn’t learn how to cook growing up. My first meal as a studying nutritionist I left the skin on the potatoes for mashed potatoes because I was learning how it kept the nutrients in! However I also left the dirt on and my partner refused his gritty, dirt flavoured mashed potatoes that night. This was the beginning of many epic fails in my bid to create nutritionally dense meals for my family (that also taste good!) And while I’m no chef, I won’t get points for presentation, I do have a reputation for adding the extra special stuff that brings the flavour flav. Because I love food! And I love eating! And I love how good food feels in my body and I want to share that with the world.

Fast forward a few years and I caught glandular fever and developed chronic fatigue. This was my first real experience of just how much plant medicine, nutraceuticals and vitamins and minerals have to offer where the medical world fell utterly and completely short. So I know first hand how trying harder and doing more isn’t the answer. It just leads to crashing and burn out. It is what we do with our energy and our time that is important. Do things today your future self will be grateful for. Developing the skill set of developing clear boundaries around your time, energy and health is one of the hardest lessons a parent learns but also the most important lesson if you want to be able to be there for your family.

Self care and getting your family healthy is my specialty. Developing your skills, knowledge and confidence to take your family health and wellbeing to the next level is my passion.