Holiday horse riding camp

Join us for a day of fun playing with horses!

school camp dates

Email us for dates of next camp. We do the first week of public school holidays

$330 for the 3 days

Send us an email to register your interest for camps below. Taking students from age 7.

Our kids holiday camps are a fun way for your kids to spend the holidays improving their horsemanship skills on the ground and in the saddle. We offer our kids camp each school holidays but numbers are limited so book in advance to avoid disappointment.

activities include:

Each morning is started with a meet and greet so that our riders get to know each other and meet their team leaders for the day. We go over our expectations for the day and some general house keeping and rules that are designed to keep our students safe while interacting with the horses.

Each day has a different theme:

  • Tuesday - showjumping

  • Wednesday - scavenger hunt

  • Thursday - games

Our day starts off with our students learning how to approach and catch their horses. How to walk them on the lead for good manners up to the barn. From there our team of horses get their breakfast and we learn about what a horse eats, good feeding practices and what to look out for at feed time.

While the horses happily munch on their breakfast our students work with their team leaders and we cover moving safely around the horses and grooming. We groom our horses to get them ready to ride and then break for morning tea.

After morning tea we learn about our horses tack and tack up for the days ride. The students break up into their teams based on their level of competence in the saddle and have their rides for the day.

After riding the students learn about how to care for their horse post ride, untacking, hosing down and feeding. We then break for lunch for meat and salad sandwiches. Our students get some free time from 12 - 1.30 where they can relax (some have a snooze) and play games in the indoor arena.

After break we cover horse husbandry skills, identify horse parts, colours, breeds, how to look after tack and all the little bits and pieces of information a well rounded horsewoman or man needs to know when working with horses. The horses come back up and we do horseman/womanship skills to the level of competency of the students. Our students finish up a day in the life of a horse rider by doing afternoon feed up.

The parents love sending their kids to camp!! They always go home tired, ready for bed ;)

Send me the next camp dates!