No more side stepping the mounting block, nips of displeasure, or chasing to catch!
Help your horse love riding again
Mini training to improve willingness and work ethic of horses
So many of our horses are trying to communicate that they aren’t enjoying the riding process.
They show this by:
Bucking, broncing, or rearing;
Giving you the grumpy signs as you tack up;
Running away from you in the paddock;
Or simply shutting down.
When we rule out all other causes, like teeth, tack fit, body pain - there is only one other conclusion:
He’s just not that into riding
We COULD go down the pathway of stopping riding altogether - but that isn’t going to improve the world for other horses across the world.
Instead, we ask:
How can we make this process of learning enjoyable?
How can we help the horse find pleasure in our company?
How can we make movement feel good so they want to move and train with us?
It is a large reason for why we founded Equestrian Movement.
But it is also why we have collected this resource of mini-trainings, so you can work with your horse and start moving towards helping your horse enjoy riding again.
It’s no big secret - I work with horse’s a bit differently to most other horse trainers…
You see, after years of working with different horse personalities, and different behaviours (big or small), working through many training methods that you will probably recognise, I’ve come away with a unique insight into how best to blend these together to create true willingness.
It may seem kooky. It may not be what you are expecting.
But it works.
The Help Your Horse Love Riding Again mini-course will take you through some of this method, and it’s yours, for free!
help your horse love riding again is designed to give you insight into the changes you can make to quickly see results
Which of these resonates with the way you want to work with your horse?
1) I want my horse to like being ridden
Do we know if they don’t like being ridden? Yep, we do - and you probably suspect this could be your horse. Sure, they might enjoy it when we hop on and tear about on a trail, but as soon as the word “work” comes out, they ain’t interested.
We can show you what we do that changes that attitude.
2) I want my horse to enjoy my company, and not hightail it when they see me coming
Oh yeah, I know this one well! Many an hour it took to fetch one mare, and for other horses, just approaching them the wrong way led to an argument.
Help your horse love riding again addresses many aspects that create this result, which will give you some real quick wins!
3) I wish my horse wouldn’t bite/kick/ give me sour grapes eyes when I try to tack up
What if you learnt about how we use our tools to help our horses become willing participants in the tack up and riding process?
4) I’m not sure if my horse hates work, but I would like to avoid that happening
Awesome! You are in the right place. We can’t wait for you to start implementing some of these tools!
What you will learn with this free course
Help your horse love riding again
The free mini course about true willingness
Help your horse love riding again IS FOR YOU IF:
You want to your horse to be happy and relaxed in all the steps that lead up to riding
You are invested in doing the best for your horse
You want to make sure your horse enjoys work
You are willing to learn, think slightly differently, and apply some small (or big) changes for big (or huge) results
You want the best for your horse
You are willing to take the time your horse needs
help your horse love riding again ISN’T FOR YOU IF:
You are hoping to use this as a riding lesson substitution
You expect a cure or instant fix that is permanent
You don’t believe horses are sentient beings with their own emotions, personalities and desires
Your horse is not broken in
do i need a credit card to sign up?
Nope- none needed. This course is completely free and you can listen to it again and again.
I have the course but also have more questions - can you help?
Sure! Just reach out to us via email, or join our Stronger Bond Community for more support.
Is this a scam?
While I can understand that some people are hesitant to sign up, we can assure you that no credit card details are needed and we keep your details private. You will be signed up to our email list, but you can opt out of that at any time.
To view our full privacy policy, click here.
do you run any other courses?
We have a whole host of online courses and workshops that you can access. If you would like some more specific support, you can contact us directly here.