Equestrian Spirit

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The secret behind stubborness

Stubborness is soooo frustrating. Nothing makes us feel less “in control” than an animal that is at least 5 times our bodyweight that just WONT.

Despite that feeling of frustration (and I won’t go into control, because you probably know my thoughts on it), it can be super rewarding when your horse finally consents to your ask - if you do it right.

Here is the big secret: Stubborn behaviour is a form of a NO. It is your horse stating they lack the faith and confidence in you as a leader to follow your ask. When you think about stubborness in that way, can’t you just feel that frustration slipping away?

One of our lesson plans in our online groundwork program (the Holistic Horse Handling Program) is CHOICE - you can watch Sarah and I practicing choice with our very stubborn Australian Draught Horse, Gunner.. We found Gunner rather liked the feather duster, but he also preferred to the dressage whip for cuing communication.

We do a lot of work around consent, relaxation and positive reinforcement when cuing with our tools so that we can build psychological safety for our horses into our training and training tools. Choice can really help those more stubborn ponies feel involved and allow you both to work together with faith, trust and confidence in each other.

Plus, choice and games are always good for participation from the horses!!

All that and more is available in the Holistic Horse Handling Program.

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