Equestrian Spirit

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Getting a stronger bond with you horse

Do you wish you had a stronger relationship with your horse?

Does it just not feel right or like there’s something missing?

Are you looking for answers to behavioural issues?

Maybe if my horse liked me more it wouldn’t be so skittish and spooky or bargy and pushy?

Developing a relationship with our horses is the long road seldom travelled. Because once you know how to make or manipulate a horse into doing what you want it to you don’t really need to rely on the relationship anymore. The better you get at making horses do things and hanging on to their outbursts the less you need them to be willing because well they actually are willing and the more their willingness comes because they have no other option.

At some stage we will hit a plateau with our horse. At this stage we may sell and try a new horse hoping the next one will be our answer. This can happen several times over, always seeking but never finding that magic that we are looking for of complete union in the saddle.

What your lacking is called connection. It is when your horse is interested and engaged in the learning process, it enjoys moving in harmony with you and its attention and focus is on you always. When you head to the paddock they come to the gate to greet you. When you dismount they give you a soft knicker in appreciation of the ride. Its not this constant fighting and battle that leaves you exhausted and makes just the idea of tacking up feeling like your pulling teeth.

That connection starts with us. We have to put the time and the effort into building a relationship and rapport with our horses. Not leave them feeling like they are a cog in the machine.

When was the last time you sat with you horse just to enjoy being with them?