Equestrian Spirit

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The horse with no chill...

You love your horse but he or she finds it really difficult to relax around you - essentially, it seems like your horse has no chill!!

There are so many people that are willing to tell you what you need to get your horse to do - but most of this advice wont result in your horse developing their internal or external chill...

The chill factor doesn't come from moving your horses feet, being bigger, badder, stronger than what their scared of, lunging, 20m circles or laterals....

It comes from creating secure attachment to themselves, to us, to their environment and to their herd. It comes from getting quiet and still with our horses and letting them feel safe to let down, relax and fall asleep in our presence. It comes from finding how our horse best enjoys to be motivated and creating movements that feel good. Only once our horses feel safe to relax and it feels good, will they!

So many times my students will say oh but my horse is falling asleep.....

Well good!!!

It means they feel safe to do so.

The magic sauce is in the quiet times with our horses.

We don't want them walking on egg shells, worried about whats going to happen next. That isn't going to create relaxed focus or a productive learning environment.

Want more help? Sign up for our free course and coaching experience where we share with you our best tips for creating mental relaxation through compassionate leadership so that we have horses that enjoy learning and ask to be ridden without trauma triggering training methods.