Have I damaged my bond with my horse forever?
You know the moment we are talking about.
It’s the moment where you thought:
I’ve royally buggered this up and my horse is never going to trust me again
There may or may not be a number of expletives inserted in that thought, but you get the point.
It happens to all of us at some point when we develop an awareness that we want to work with connection. That’s the one downside of wanting to build a connection - it’s doubting that the connection can be fixed if it is broken.
Here is a little truth for you:
Very rarely will you do something that truly damages the ability to build connection forever!
That is, if you are working from the desire to build connection with your horse, you are already mindful that your horse is an emotional being. And even if you aren’t sure what your next step is, you are already looking at and assessing their behaviour, and trying to get to know their personality and needs.
But yes, you can temporarily put a glitch in the connection you were working on. Whether it is because you pushed too hard, tried too much, or simply missed the subtle pre-meltdown signs, it can and will happen from time to time. The important part is how you show up for you horse before, during and after the event.
So what do you do when you think you have damaged your bond?
Go back to the foundations
Give your horse time
Don’t get emotionally invested in the outcome of the session
Learn how to reconnect with your horse after these events
Where to from here?
Equestrian Movement has some great assets available for you to access today:
Do it yourself
If you want to learn a bit about how you can use exercises that establish a bond and help you reconnect, have a look at the Building Connection Course, Workshop & Masterclass.
This self paced program allows you to return again and again and shows you the practice with different horse personalities.
I need help!
Perhaps you are really struggling to get that break through moment of connection, or your horse is really just not easy for you to work with right now - or maybe you even just want your best steps laid out specific to you and your horse’s individual situation.
If that is what you are looking for, then our Trainability Coaching Program is your best step.
We work with you to understand your horse and your needs, give you full access to the Trainability Course, and point you in the direction of each step you need. Included in the program is monthly coaching, where you can reach out and ask any question you like around building a deep connection and helping your horse develop mental relaxation (and you don’t have to wait for the coaching call, you can ask any time!).
The Trainability Coaching Program is designed to help you get your wins as quickly as you and your horse can achieve them.