Equestrian Spirit

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We Don't Need To Be Challenging Our Horse's Boundaries Every Time We Ride

For some reason every time we ride we expect the ride to be better than our last.

We want to have done something that we weren’t able to do last ride.

We want our horse to perform better, be more willing, more submissive, more expressive - but how fair is that on our horse?

Are you able to do better at work every day than you did the day before? Or better at the gym or a sport you may play? Or horse riding for that matter? Can you bring your 100% every day? Be enthusiast? Pleasant to be around especially under pressure? Can you learn something new every day?

Seems like a tall ask.

But we expect it of our horses. And then wonder why behavioural issues pop up!

So today I give permission for you and your horse to just hang.

To just enjoy each other. Do what your horse likes. Do they like treats, going on adventures, being groomed? What things do you do that your horse really enjoys and appreciates?

I give you permission to go do just that. Then get back to us - how did it feel? Did you enjoy yourself? Did your horse enjoy itself?

I even give you permission to do it a couple of days in a row.

And then do your training and see if your horse is more willing, more enthusiastic, more eager to learn and participate in the activities.