Equestrian Spirit

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Teach your horse "respect"

Teach your horse respect...

There is a whole subset of the population that doesn't understand what this means.

The best way to teach is by modelling and the best way to teach respect isn't by demanding it but how you model respect for yourself and others.

🐴It's lead by example

🐴It's treat others as you would like to be treated.

How many of these things have been taught as a child and we've tried to live by them and learnt others weren't playing by those rules and so adapted our own coping mechanisms.

These behaviours modelled in a safe, cohesive herd are rules to live by for safe, co-regulated relationships.

But it's been trained out of us by life and people. It's hard to live in this world and play by those rules. So we learn new ways to throw the power dynamic. And then act surprised when it doesn't work on horses or our horse is acting out.

Teach your horse respect... but earn it first.