9 Things No One Tells You About Owning A Horse
We all know how amazing horse ownership is - we tell anyone and everyone about it! But here are a few things we rarely discuss...
Owning a horse is amazing. The intimate bond of horse and human, the ability to ride whenever you like, a place to escape to when home or work is too much... right?
Honestly, it is amazing. But there is a side to horse ownership that no one truly discusses. Here is a list of what we think most horse owners are experiencing but not sharing:
1) People will call you a crazy horse person
But seriously, who cares? If a person can't at least respect your personal preference for your 4 legged friend, well let's just say that's exactly why we prefer them!
2) You will get asked if other people can ride you horse. A lot.
"Oh, you have a horse? Can my cousin's best friend's son's girlfriend's half sibling ride it?" It's amazing how many people come out of the woodwork.
3) Insects are a part of life.
Equestrian life is not one for those that suffer Entomophobia or Arachnophobia.
4) You will constantly check the weather.
Can I ride after work? Which rug am I using tonight? It will become an obsession.
5) Baling twine. The next WD-40.
Seriously. It fixes everything. Fences, rugs, even broken bridles. If you don't have baling twine in your pocket, can you really say you own a horse?
Either get my bailing twine or label this the latest in fall fashion...
6) You will become an expert at fence repairing and rug repairing.
Why did my high school have to make me choose between home economics and woodworking?
7) Your horse will have better and more expensive 'clothes' than you... and you wont care.
Well, I do need a different saddle for each discipline, plus more rugs and saddle cloths than one horse can handle. Plus, blingy brow bands - how can you pass them by?
8) Sheath cleaning, Udder cleaning and Beans
Seriously didn't even know this stuff existed til I had a horse. These are the true reason we have latex gloves in the first aid kit. And if you need help, there are heaps of youtube videos available (yes, I checked).
9) You will wish you were taller on many occasions.
"Hi Mum - wait, is that a worming paste? Let me show you my impression of a giraffe!" Ring any bells?
Did we miss any? Tell us below!
Some notes about horsemanship...
Quick notes before we get into the exercises...
Some notes about how a relationship is strengthened and how a horse learns:
· Always work from your heart
· If you want to be part of their herd, they need to be part of your family
· A relationship is defined by its hard times. How you guide your horse through difficult times will shape its behavior in difficult situations.
· Don’t become emotionally engaged in an argument. Work through the frustration and find a resolution, instead of fighting.
· Take the lead
· Be consistent with establishing manners
· Follow through
· Develop your skills well enough that you trust in yourself around the horse.
· The horse learns from the release of pressure, not the application.
· Use your voice and use the same words and pitch for the same things. Horses can pick up on words the same way as dogs can.
· Use positive reinforcement
· Don’t be afraid to discipline your horse if it intentionally hurts you. Knowing how you will discipline is important and also what works for your horse. Finding the level of pressure best suited to your horse is key. You want to find the point just past ignorance, but before reactivity where I call responsivity. This sweet spot is different for every horse and rider combination.
· Listen to how they respond to cues. Do they understand what you are expecting of them?
Attention + focus = connection
Connection is key. Not only do we need to learn how to keep our horses relaxed attention and focus on us but so do we have to keep our relaxed focus and attention on them. How many times have you gone down to the yard with the to do list, the shopping list, the conversation with your boss, the argument you had with a friend all jumbling around in your head only to come away feeling worse because you’ve had the worst training session?
If you join our free facebook group we have a free training in there on exactly what to do to start building a connection with your horse today!! What a great way to spend the holidays!
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