Equestrian Spirit

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Does your horse work with mental relaxation?

The key learning outcome for our groundwork training in Trainability Program is mental relaxation.

If our horses can't work without stress, they can't move without stress, and we will see the physical tension in their movement no matter how supple they are.

Working with our horses to encourage signs that they are relaxing in our presence is really important for their trainability and overall coping - but its an incredibly boring process to watch! And can quite often feel like you aren't getting anywhere.

The first time I did this with Fitty it took 30 minutes for me to get the most subtle cue that he was relaxing around me and that was while he was eating!!! That stress load builds and builds until they can no longer control themselves emotionally so they can't control their behaviour and that's where we see big, dangerous behaviours.

Working with our horses to be relaxed when learning also allows them to tell us if they don't understand, are getting stressed by the pressure or have pain that needs addressing before they just can't cope anymore.

Before I sit on a horses back I want to be sure they are relaxed and consenting every ask from catching to grooming to tacking up so that once I get in to the saddle, I know they want me there.

The Trainability Program is specifically tailored to work with individual horse personalities to create mental relaxation, consent and emotional stability - to create a true partnership.

If this sounds like something you want, check out the program inside the Arena Classroom, where we help you step through the process and support you along the way.