Equestrian Spirit

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Is your riding coach irrelevant?

Sometimes we can find it hard to understand our horses. Reading them is learning another language.

What I teach my (english speaking) students is imagine you went to Germany and you were taking a math class. Would you learn math? No! Because you don't speak German. 

No imagine you were in the same class with a translator. Can you learn the math now? Yes! Is the translator the one teaching you? No. But you can understand what's being said now you have a better chance at learning math.

That's what my role as a coach is. Not to teach math but to translate the language. The horses job is to teach you how they want to be ridden. To begin with you don't understand what they're saying so it's my job to teach you the language so that you can have the conversation with the horse.

Your job is to learn the language so that you can have the conversation without me. 

I want to become irrelevant. 

I want you to be able to have a better conversation with your horse than I can. 

Because I don't know your horse, I only speak some of their language.

Learn how I teach my students how to speak horse in the Say YES to a happy, willing horses Masterclass