Equestrian Spirit

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Are beginners and experienced riders so different?

The beginner riders and the experienced riders have the same problems.

We’re always going to be wondering why does my horse bite, why does it kick, why did it do XYZ, why doesn't it want to put it's halter on, why does it run away from me, why won't it stand still at the mounting block, why does it not pick it's leg up.

The amateur equestrian, intimidate rider or hobby horse owner has this problem too. The problem this rider has, however, is that you think it's going to stop being a problem when you figure some secret out. You'll discover this magical secret sauce that all the experienced riders have been holding out on you. You think you'll just figure this secret out and then everything will be easier and your horse will always be perfectly behaved.

But there is no secret solution.

We all still have these problems, we've just fallen in love with the process and the problems.

We have all these same issues come up and we've fallen in love with supporting our horses through these problems so that they can be resolved and they can still be happy to work.

And guess what. I'll let you in on my secret.

If they never get to the point where they're happy to work, we don't make them. We just stop working them until we can better understand why they don't want to work.

The best answer I have for you is learn about horse body language, because this is the way of communicating the horses internal biological state. Work with lots of different horses with lots of different tools and learn how to read those responses of what the body is communicating in response to those tools.

And if you don't want to spend heaps of time researching all the different ways to use all the different tools join our Holistic Horse Handling Program, where I have collated all the tools and share with you how the different horses respond to them, from the perspective of how the tool is affecting their body language.