Equestrian Spirit

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What's the best way to desensitise a horse?

Do you want to know the one of the best way to desensitise a horse?

Kids! Kids doing weird and unpredictable things makes horses OK with weird and unpredictable things happening.

You know what a horse's biggest fear is? Weird and unpredictable things.

You know the worst way to desensitise a horse? The predictable human intentionally trying to scare a horse and then punishing the horse for being scared. This hands down triggers the horse’s survival instinct and if they don't decide to fight, the only option they have is to dissociate. To mentally check out of their body.

This is not a safe horse.

That’s why within the Holistic Horse Handling Methodology, we focus on Confidence Through Curiosity, so we can remain a consistently Compassionate Leader, but help the horse build it’s own confidence (and confidence in us) when things get a little less predictable

Interested in learning about confidence through curiosity? check out the teaching curiosity course, specifically suited for flighty and spooky horses!