Equestrian Spirit

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Things horses are scared of…

Relaxation and connection have been gaining traction as part of the conversations had in the online space over the last 5 years. So much so that they seem to be losing their meaning.

Relaxation and connection are only the first part of the puzzle. To work with our horses in Relaxation and connection it is more for our benefit. It teaches us to see:

🦄 tension holding patterns

🦄 tension releasing patterns

🦄 when to give space for the horse to process without pressure

🦄 when to make the next ask so that it is received

🦄 seeing when the horse is close to threshold so we know to back off and give them some space

🦄 how we can support them to do hard things.

For our horses, however, just removing stress from their world doesn't help them be relaxed. It actually makes them more stressed because they aren't developing emotional resilience. We are looking for intentional and strategic exercises that create eustress. An achievable challenge with the skills to overcome and results in an immense sense of task achievement.

This type of stress is manageable and motivating. Self regulation doesn't happen in the state of relaxation, never exposed to challenge. It happens at the end of our comfort zone where we are stretching ourselves and realising we are capable of more than we thought. That is how confidence and leadership is built.

That is why one of my favourite training exercises is our mini course confidence through curiosity. We start with reading our horses tension and release of tension (felt sense of safety), developing language (the language between), how we can giving instruction so that our horse is open to receive it and the emotional agility skills to overcome scary things (confidence through curiosity)

Teach your horse confidence through Teaching Curiosity - the self-paced course that lays out all the steps you need. Over 50% off for a limited time.

See this gallery in the original post