Equestrian Spirit

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The space between

In the vast world of horse companionship, there's a delicate balance between our gut reactions and thoughtful responses to our four-legged friends. 

It goes beyond nailing physical skills like balance and coordination; it's about navigating the twists and turns of our connection with these amazing animals. 

So, are we just reacting on impulse, or are we taking a moment to respond to our horse's signals with genuine care?

Recent insights into equine brains and nerves have shown us that there's more to this journey than just getting the physical moves right. It's about timing – knowing when our horse is ready to listen and when they need a breather. This newfound awareness becomes our compass, guiding our communication with horses beyond the usual training routine and into a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Timing in horsemanship isn't about acing the moves. It's an art, a feeling for our horse's reactions. Think of the horse's nervous system like a gatekeeper, deciding whether to stay open or closed to our invitation to join us in training based on how they experience us. Holistic horsemanship means understanding and connecting with these incredible animals, going beyond the black and white application of operant conditioning and delving into the depths of intuitive equine communication.

In the dynamics of our relationship, the physical stuff is just one piece of the puzzle. Even if we get the application of the aids perfect, our horse might not understand the ask, be able to answer the ask the way we want them to or feel confident in what we are asking of them. On the flip side, we might apply the aid with perfect coordination, timing and balance, and yet our horse might sweetly respond. This dynamic is a celebration of the emotional bond we share, going beyond what's visible in our regular training sessions.

Understanding that our horses, like us, need time to process things mentally is a big part of being a good horse companion. After asking something of them, they need a moment to think it through. That is why preparing our horses for an aid is a prerequisite to being able to ride with accuracy. This dance of patience and understanding turns our journey into more than just commands and obedience. It becomes a partnership built on trust, where every step is a celebration of our connection.

So, as we work on our skills in the arena, let's not forget the deep connection we have with our horses. It's about the back-and-forth, the right timing, and giving them the mental space they need to process the ask and respond. These simple yet significant elements shape a journey that goes beyond our usual drilled training routines. It's a journey that recognizes our horses as more than just machinery; they're companions on a shared adventure.

Are you ready to embrace the adventure that is the Holistic Horse Handling Methodology? Check out our free masterclass: Say yes to a happy willing horse.