Equestrian Spirit

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Spooky behaviour with animal naturopath Kerri Hyland | Part 2

In the world of horsemanship, the bond between horse and rider is akin to a delicate dance—a choreography of trust, respect, and understanding. Yet, in our pursuit of mastery, we often encounter the temptation to wield authority through forceful means, believing that dominance will yield obedience. However, such methods fail to recognize the nuanced language of the horse, leading not to harmony but to discord.

Aggressive training techniques may yield immediate compliance, but at what cost? Horses, with their acute sensitivity to human emotions, perceive aggression as a threat, triggering primal instincts of fight or flight. This erodes the very foundation of trust upon which all meaningful communication is built. To truly connect with our equine partners, we must shift our focus from domination to partnership—a relationship grounded in empathy, patience, and mutual respect.

Trust, elusive yet essential, forms the bedrock of this partnership. It is not a commodity to be demanded but a gift to be earned through consistent acts of kindness and understanding. By approaching our horses with patience and compassion, we lay the groundwork for a bond that transcends mere obedience, evolving into a symbiotic relationship where both parties feel seen, heard, and valued.

Consistency is the thread that weaves this bond together, providing stability amidst the ebb and flow of training. Clear and consistent cues serve as the language through which horse and rider communicate, fostering clarity and understanding. Inconsistencies, on the other hand, breed confusion and frustration, disrupting the delicate balance of trust and hindering the flow of communication.

Effective communication, however, extends beyond the realm of words. It is a symphony of body language, tone, and energy—an intricate dance of give and take. By attuning ourselves to the subtle nuances of our horses' expressions and movements, we gain insight into their thoughts and feelings, forging a connection that transcends the barriers of language.

Yet, effective communication cannot flourish in an environment fraught with tension and stress. Both horse and rider are vulnerable to the effects of stress, which can poison even the most robust of relationships. Thus, it falls upon us, as stewards of the bond, to create a sanctuary of calmness and tranquility—a space where communication can flow freely, unhindered by the weight of anxiety and fear.

The path to effective communication with our horses is not paved with dominance and aggression but with trust, understanding, and empathy. It is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and an unwavering commitment to fostering a partnership built on mutual respect. By embracing these principles, we not only deepen our connection with our equine companions but also embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. Join us on the first do no harm podcast as we chat with animal naturopath, Kerri Hyland from vibrant animal health as she discusses nutraceuticals and herbal medicine that will help support our horses development of trust and confidence in themselves and us.