Equestrian Spirit

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Nurturing Connection: Exploring the Power of Acceptance of Contact in Horses

Acceptance of contact serves as the cornerstone of a harmonious relationship between a horse and rider.

It encompasses the horse's willingness to seek the bit and engage in the bit pressure as a direct line of communication with the rider.

This principle holds great significance in establishing trust, balance, and a strong connection.

At its essence, acceptance of contact reflects the horse's understanding and confidence in the riders hands. What would your hands have to feel like for your horse to confidently seek it to communicate with you? What would it take for your horse to relax into your hands and not brace against them? To engage and seek direction from your hands without physical and mental resistance? This is the question we need to ask ourselves when working under saddle with our horses. This mutual understanding between horse and rider lays the foundation for clear communication, precise cues, and a unified partnership.

When a horse willingly and with congruence accepts and relaxes into contact, it symbolizes their trust and confidence in the rider. It signifies a bond built on respect, trust, and a shared language of communication. This trust allows the horse to find a relaxed and balanced frame, facilitating efficient movement and enabling the rider's aids to flow seamlessly.

When we lack confidence in our hands our horse locks its jaw (or opens its mouth) and braces its neck creating the most common forms of resistance and evasion:

Jacking up and refusing to move or rearing

Bucking out into canter in particular

False frame where they tuck behind the bit instead of working into the bit creating long term damage to their body.

Twisting and rotating the pelvis or working with false engagement (an anterior tilt of the pelvis)

Not only do all this problems manifest in physical pain (your bodyworker is out more the 4 times a year and always treating the same issue) but it also plateaus your training. When you don’t have congruent acceptance of the contact your horse will struggle to move up the training scale. If they are not using their body functionally at the foundation level it will only get worse as you ask more of them.

Developing acceptance of contact requires patience, time, and a systematic approach. It commences with the establishment of a solid foundation through groundwork and basic training, where the horse learns to respond to light cues and seek pressure for communication and guidance. As the horse progresses, the rider can gradually introduce and refine the concept of contact under saddle.

It is essential for riders to find a delicate balance between seeking acceptance of contact and honoring the horse's individual needs and comfort. Each horse is unique, and their response to contact may vary. Riders must attentively listen to their horse's feedback, adapt their aids accordingly, and find a harmonious equilibrium that promotes relaxation, suppleness, and willingness.

In our enlightening video discussion, we delve deep into the theory and practical application of acceptance of contact. We explore diverse training techniques, exercises, and cues that can help riders cultivate acceptance of contact in their horses. By immersing yourself in the video, you will gain valuable insights and tangible tools to enhance your equestrian partnership.

The concept of acceptance of contact holds transformative power in nurturing a profound connection between horse and rider. It encompasses the horse's willingness to seek and respond to the rider's aids, forging a bond built on trust, respect, and effective communication. By prioritizing clarity, sensitivity, and understanding, riders can establish a solid foundation of trust and balance. Join us in the video discussion to deepen your understanding of acceptance of contact and unlock the true potential of your equestrian partnership.