Equestrian Spirit

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Connection: Why you want it & how you can start getting it

We hear about it. It’s a term used in the horse world frequently.

But really, what is connection?

Connection is taking the conversation we built on the ground and transferring it to the saddle.

Connection is a willingness of our horse to seek out that conversation with us and to do that it has to be through pressure they put into the bit and our body (ie legs and seat).

This conversation or connection is similar to that of a dance partner moving together as one. There are a lot of pieces of the puzzle to come together to get to that point.

Firstly, our horses need a positive relationship with the bit or bitless bridle pressure. If our horses haven’t had a good bitting or bridling experience, have pain where the pressure of the bridle is applied or have dentistry issues there is no way of establishing that connection.

We have to ensure our bridle is comfortable and that we aren’t trying to control the horse through the force of the bridle pressure.

There are quite a few things they also need for this.

  • They need to know to and how to seek the release of pressure;

  • They need to know that pressure goes away when they find the right answer;

  • And then they have to have had enough practice with the aids for bit pressure to know what behaviour makes them go away. Ie turning right makes right rein pressure go away, turning left makes left rein pressure go away, stopping makes 2 rein pressure go away and they have to be comfortable with that conversation.

Connection is also being able to say “no” and express their concerns and fears from what we are asking.

Our horses shouldn’t be forced to say yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir.

They need to be able to communicate if they don’t understand, can’t do what we are asking, are nervous or unsure etc. We start with this on the ground as well by opening up that conversation through consent, and the confidence to investigate scary things through targeting.

To become a good dance partner and establish flow and connection under saddle, both horse and rider have to be able to have a strong core and balance independently.

Quite often the horse or riders fitness is the limiting factor to that connection in the saddle. We establish this on the ground with lunging and in hand work and then bring it along in the saddle with our conditioning exercises to unite the movement of horse and rider.

Once we have a willing horse looking to have a conversation and a balanced horse and rider the connection comes from the horse working into and seeking the contact. Not sucking behind it, pulling through it, lifting above it. This is why it is so important not to force submission to the bit. Connection can’t be established through force and submission.

Want help developing a connection under saddle? Join our “Ride with heart” workshop that will be jam packed with tips on developing feel and connection in the saddle.

Join us live and ask questions!!