Equestrian Spirit

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The entanglement of the nervous system in movement

We often think about the nerves as how they create movement but we don't think of how bundles of nerves can work synergistically and how switching one set on switches another set off.

We kind of talk about it when we talk about the differences of rest- and-digest and fight-or-flight, and sometimes we might get as far as the social engagement system, but we don't think about how they communicate to different muscles in movement, different thoughts and moods. 

Forward can come from a fear startle reflex, or fear to move away from consequences, or forward can come through play and praise. Although both seemingly achieve the objective of "forward", there is a subtle nuance not lost on a keen eye.

And that is one of the biggest differences noticed in Holistic Horse Handling Methodology as opposed to submission based training. All we have are the subtle nuances. The ones we're taught to ignore because we're too soft or anthropomorphising. 

All the best trainers can read the horses movement, nervous system and anticipate how they will behave like a book. But they don't explain what they're saying with their own movement, only what they are doing. 

The human body bringing the horses energy up in play vs in fear, whilst seemingly achieving the objective of "forward", is very different. It starts with an intention and a release of an emotional attachment to the outcome so we can allow the horse to be who they most are.

Some people think allowing a horse to be a horse is dangerous. 

But thinking you can physically control a horse through fear and submission is by far more dangerous - for you both.

If you are ready to start engaging your horse in enthused activity rather than through fear of consequences, click the button below to access the free “Say YES to a happy, willing horse” Masterclass