Equestrian Spirit

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It's not what you say...

Have you ever had to teach your parents how to use technology? Or maybe your children have tried to teach you how to TikTok (goodness knows how terrified I am that my neice will try!)

It's almost like speaking two different languages.

So why do we expect our horses to understand what we tell them automatically - and expect ourselves to know what they are saying?

Recently I had teach my mother how to use Zoom to prepare for her first ever virtual meeting. As far as she was concerned, I was talking a whole new language.

To avoid the inevitable frustration that could ensue, I had to find a way to describe what I was asking in a way that she could follow, and she had to find a way to understand what I was saying.

(FYI that's not my mother in the image. She doesn't wear glasses )

The point is, it got me thinking. This is the same situation happening with our horses and ourselves - both of us are the teachers, and both of us are trying to understand the other explain.

The big difference - both of us can lose confidence in what each of us are trying to say or our capability of understanding because we don't speak in the same language - or even a derivative of the same language. And this loss of confidence can happen quickly or over a long period of time and makes it harder to break down the language barrier.

There is a way that we can start tear down those walls with our horses and begin to communicate on the same level.

If you want to know where to get started, join us on Tuesday's webinar The Great Language Divide - click the button below to learn more!
