Equestrian Spirit

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Connection Training isn't "SOFT"...

Urgh! Why oh why do people associate connection training with being soft on their horse?

Time and time again, I hear people trying to do right by their horse only to be told they are too soft. I've been there, I've heard it, and it used to make me doubt what I was doing.

Is this you too?

I know that connection training isn't soft now, because I'm actually brave enough to listen to what the horse is asking. My ego doesn't tell me that my horse is just a tool of my goals. My equestrian self-worth isn't defined by what my horse can DO, but what my horse feels.

And when I have a horse's trust because of connection, I'm far more likely to not be hurt than one I have trained through submission.

So to the nay-sayers that claim connection training is the reason horses getting treated soft, I say:


I'd rather be "soft" than a bully that forces submission or fear in an animal.

I hope you would rather be too.

If you want to learn more about connection based training and the Holistic Horse Handling Methodology, check out Equestrian Movement's free course Building Connection - just click the button below.